If you’re happy with how your portfolio looks, you can generate a printable version of your portfolio, which opens in a new window. Large portfolios may take 15 seconds or more to load. If nothing happens after 30 seconds, please try checking the portfolio settings you entered below.
This portfolio generator will display all entries from a given view from your ARAY database. It will display at a minimum the name of each entry; its unique ID; the category (i.e., instruction, research/creative work, public service/extension, administration, professional development); the basic description; any PR-friendly description; all associated URLs; and all attached files. JPEG, PNG, and PDF files are rendered in full resolution and with all pages included. However, only the first pages of other file types (e.g., Microsoft Word and Excel files) are rendered, and only at medium resolution; some attachments may not be rendered at all. You can also add up to three additional fields you want to display.
Airtable Base ID: The unique ID that can be found in the URL of your ARAY. Usually starts with ❝app❞ View name: What is the name of the view that contains the records you want displayed What title do you want to appear on this portfolio?
Name of the table in the base (the name of the tab in your Airtable) What is the name of the field representing the title of an entry?
What is the name of the field representing the PR-friendly description of an entry?
What is the name of the field representing additional or internal description of an entry?
What is name of the field representing the category of an entry? What is name of the field representing the date when the entry was last updated? Website 1 URL Website 2 URL What is name of the field representing the unique ID of each entry??
Website 3 URL Additional field 1 name Additional field 2 name Additional field 3 name
A preview of your portfolio will be shown below. The portfolio may take up to 30 seconds or even longer to render for exceptionally large portfolios.