Alexander G. Flor

Professor Emeritus

DR. ALEXANDER G. FLOR is Professor Emeritus of the UP Open University, where he served as Vice Chancellor for Research & Development (2002-04) and Dean, Faculty of Information & Communication Studies (2004-10, 2026-22). He was awarded the distinction of UP Scientist III (2015-23), held the One UP Professorial Chair in Knowledge Management (2014-22) as well as the inaugural UP SEARCA Centennial Professorial Chair (2008). He served as the first Chair of the Commission on Higher Education Technical Committee on Alternative Learning Systems and Member of the Technical Panel on Teacher Education (2010-2014). He was also the founding Program Manager of the SEAMEO-SEARCA Knowledge Management Program (1998-2002). Dr. Flor has been with the University of the Philippines since 1976 and has served as technical adviser in eighteen (18) countries under official development assistance missions.

Research Interests

Environmental Communication
Knowledge Management (KM4D)
Mixed Methods Research

Email Address

Virtual Office Hours



East West Center-Institute of Culture and Communication, Honolulu, Hawaii
Fulbright-PAEF Post Doctorate in Informatization Studies (1989)

University of the Philippines Los Baños
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Communication (1987)

De La Salle University
MBA Candidate in Computer Systems Management (1982-1983)

University of the Philippines Los Baños
Master of Sciene in Development Communication (1982)

Siliman University
Bachelor of Journalism (1975)



Flor, Alexander G., Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Margaret J. Suarez, Ethel O. Sibal and Emely M. Amoloza. 2011. The Changing Profile of Distance Learners. PSDL Journal. Diliman, Quezon City.

Flor, Benjamina Gonzalez, Richard DLC Gonzales and Alexander G. Flor. 2011. Beyond Assessment: Impact Evaluation of Community Based Education Development in Lao PDR. Education, Measurement and Evaluation Review. Volume II. Manila

Maclean, Scott, Alexander G. Flor and Malcolm Hazelman, 2009. ODL for Agricultural Development and Rural Poverty Reduction: A Comparative Analysis of Best practice and Innovation in Asia. ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning. Volume 1, Number 1.

Flor, Alexander G. 2009. eAgriculture’s Response to an Emerging Global Food Crisis. I4D: Information for Development. (New Delhi).

Flor, Alexander G. 2008. A Policy and Planning Framework on Information and Communication Technology for Basic Education in the Philippines. International Journal of Education and Development. Volume 4 Number 3.

Flor, Alexander G. 2001. Incorporating Environmental Themes in an Existing Curriculum: A Case Study of the Nonformal Educational Subsector. The Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol 4 No1. UPLB-School of Environmental Science & Management (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 2000. Strategic Communication Analysis of Entities Affected by the Kanan B-1 Hydroelectric Dam. The Journal of Environmental Science and Management, Vol 3, No.1. UPLB-School of Environmental Science and Management (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. and Felix Librero. 1999. Perceptions of Common Property in Ecosystems Under Stress: The Case of the Mt. Apo Geothermal Plant. The Journal of Environmental Science and Management, Volume 2, Number 1, UPLB-School of Environmental Science and Management (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander. 1997. Transformational Communication: A Normative Approach to Environmental Education.Tambuli. A Journal for Coastal Management Practitioners, November 1997, USAID Coastal Resource Management Project (Cebu City).

Flor, Alexander G. 1993. The Informatization of Agriculture. The Asian Journal of Communication, Volume II, Number 4. AMIC (Singapore).

Flor, Alexander G. 1993. Upstream and Downstream Approaches in Development Communication. IDC Faculty Papers. UPLB Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1993. The Fifth Theory of the Press. The Los Baños Journal, Volume III, Number 3. UPLB (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1991. Development Communication and the Policy Sciences. Journal of Development Communication, Dec 1991. Asian Institute of Development Communication (Kuala Lumpur).

Flor, Alexander G. 1988. The Information Wastage Ratio: Towards a Theory of Rates of Information Generation and Utilization. Scientometrics Vol.13, Numbers 1 and 2. Elsevier Scientific Publishers (Amsterdam-Oxford – New York) and Akademiai Kiado (Budapest).

Flor, Alexander G. 1987. Alternative Visions Versus Realities in Communication Education. Media Asia. An Asian Mass Communication Quarterly. Volume 14, Number 1. Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Center (AMIC, Singapore).

Flor, Alexander G. 1987. The Information Rich and the Information Poor: Two Faces of the Information Age in Developing Country. SEARCA Diary. Volume 16, Number 3. SEAMEO Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1986. Some Notes on Participatory Educational Broadcasting: The Los Baños Experience. The Third Channel: Journal of the International Broadcasting Society. Volume 2, Number 2. International Broadcasting Society (Seoul).

Flor, Alexander G. 1986. Perceived Offensiveness in Advertisements. DEVCOM Quarterly. Volume 4, Numbers 1 and 2. Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1985. The Corner Office as a Status Symbol in the Academe: A Study in Proxemics. DEVCOM Quarterly. Volume 3, Number 2. Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1984. Towards the Development of a Coefficient of Communication Convergence (A Quantitative Measure for the Policy Delphi). DEVCOM Quarterly. Volume 2, Number 4. Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1984. Participatory Filmmaking: A Structural Analysis of Cinema Direct. DEVCOM Quarterly. Volume 2, Number 2. Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1984. The Proactive Information Society: A Scenario. DEVCOM Quarterly. Volume 2, Number 1. Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1983. The Need for National Communication Policies: The Case of DOMSAT. DEVCOM Quarterly. Volume 1, Number 4. Institute of Development Communication (Los Baños).

Flor, Alexander G. 1983. Problem Structure and Cost Analyses of a Rural Educational Radio Station. SEARCA Diary. Volume 12, Number 9. SEAMEO Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (Los Baños).


Flor, Alexander G. 2009. Developing Societies in the Information Age: A Critical Perspective. Los Baños, U.P. Open University

Flor, Alexander G. 2007. Development Communication Praxis. Los Baños, U.P. Open University

Flor, Alexander G. 2004. Environmental Communication: Principles, Approaches and Strategies. Los Baños: U.P. Open University

Flor, Alexander G. and Ila Virginia Ongkiko. 2003. Introduction to Development Communication. Los Baños: U.P. Open University and SEAMEO –SEARCA

Flor, Alexander G. 2003. Beyond Access and Equity: Distance Learning Models in Asia. Pasig City: Asian Institute of Development Studies

Flor, Alexander G. 2002. Ethnovideography: Video Based Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Los Baños: SEAMEO SEARCA and UPWARD – International Potato Center

Flor, Alexander G. 2002. Digital Tools for Process Documentation. Los Baños: SEARCA

Flor, Alexander G. 2002. Communication and Culture, Conflict and Cohesion. Los Baños: UPLB CDC and the Foundation for Development and Communication.

Flor, Alexander G. 2001. eDevelopment and Knowledge Management: ICT Applications for Sustainable Development. Los Baños: SEAMEO SEARCA.

Flor, Alexander G. 1995. Broadcast-Based Distance Learning Systems. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.

Flor, Alexander G. and Ely D. Gomez. 1993. Environmental Communication: Considerations in Curriculum and Delivery Systems Development. Los Baños: UPLB Institute of Development Communication and the USAID Natural Resources Management Project.

Flor, Alexander G. 1993. Cultural Dimensions of Environmental Information, Education and Communication. Nova Scotia, Canada: UPLB SESAM and Dalhousie University.

Flor, Alexander G., Heinze Kroske, Sylvia H. Guerrero and Marlito Cardenas. 1993. Public Participation in EIA: A Manual on Communication. Manila: Asian Development Bank and the DENR-Environmental Management Bureau.

Flor, Alexander G., Marlito Cardenas, Rudolf Reuther, and Sylvia H. Guerrero. 1993. Public Participation in EIA: An Environmental Monitoring Manual. Manila: Asian Development Bank and the DENR-Environmental Management Bureau.

Flor, Alexander G. and Benjamina G. Flor. 1992. The ATEP Instructional Materials Development Guidebook. Pasig City: ADB Agricultural Technology Education Project and the Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force.

Flor, Alexander G. 1990. Low-Cost Audio Production for DevCom Practitioners. Makati City: Technology and Livelihood Resource Center and University of the Philippines Los Baños


Flor, Alexander G. and Benjamina G. Flor. 2011. Open and Distance Learning in the Philippines: Leveling Up from the Alternative to the Mainstream. Philippine Education: State of the Art. UNESCO National Commission. Philippines

Flor, Alexander G. and Narong Sompong. 2011. An Online Conversation Among Southeast Asian Higher Educational Institutions and its Observed Oppressions. Meta Communication for Reflective Online Conversations: Models for Distance Education. (Ugur Demiray, Gulsun Kurubacak and T. Volkan Yuzer, Eds). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global Academic Publishers.

Flor, Alexander G. and Thanousone Phonamat. 2010. Status and Prospects of the ICT Service Industry in Lao PDR: Implications to Higher Education. Higher Education and Industry Clusters (J. Mongkhonvanit, Ed.) Siam Academic Publishers and Ex Libris Press.

Flor, Alexander G. 2010. Carving ICT Industry Niches Within the ASEAN in a Globalized Higher Educational Environment. Higher Education and Industry Clusters (J. Mongkhonvanit, Ed.) Siam Academic Publishers and Ex Libris Press

Flor, Alexander G. 2004. Social Capital and Network Effect: Implications of China’s elearning and Rural ICT Initiatives. Building e-Community Centres for Rural Development: Report of the Regional Workshop. Indonesia: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and ADB Institute.

Flor, Alexander G. and Benjamina G. Flor. 2003. The Philippine Communication Scene. The 2003 Asian Communication Handbook (Anura Goonasekara and Lee Chun Wah, Editors). Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Center and the Nanyang Technological University.

Flor, Alexander G. 2003. Philippine News Media and the New Media. News Media and the New Media (Madan Mohan Rao, Editor). Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.

Flor, Alexander G. 2003. Environmental Communication, Strengthening Women’s Voices (Mildred O. Moscoso, Editor) Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.

Flor, Alexander G. 2002. Environmental Communication and People’s Participation: Lessons Learned in Five Natural Resources Management Projects. Sustaining Natural Resources Management in Southeast Asia (Arnold G. Garcia, Editor). Los Baños: SEAMEO-SESARCA

Flor, Alexander G. 2002. Incorporating Environmental Themes in Nonformal Education: Integration or infusion?. Searching for New Models of Agriculture Education in a Disturbed Environment (Samuel T. Mancebo, Marylin B. Perlas, and Frances Muriel L. Tuquero, Editors.). Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

Flor, Alexander G. 2002. Knowledge Management: An Emerging Model for Agriculture and Environment Education Development.. Searching for New Models of Agriculture Education in a Disturbed Environment (Samuel T. Mancebo, Marylin B. Perlas, and Frances Muriel L. Tuquero, Editors.). Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

Flor, Alexander G. and Benjamina G. Flor. 2001. The Philippine Communication Scene. The 2001 Asian Communication Handbook (Anura Goonasekara and Lee Chun Wah, Editors). Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Center and the Nanyang Technological University.

Flor, Alexander G. 1999. Television in the Philippines: Setting the National Social Agenda. Television in Asia (Michael Richards, Editor) London: Sage Publications. no18478.htm

Flor, Alexander G. 1998. The Philippine Communication Scene. The 1998 Asian Communication Handbook (Duncan Holiday and Anura Goonasekara, Editors). Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Center.

Flor, Alexander G. 1991. Development Communication: A Fifth Theory of the Press? Communication, Values and Society (Crispin C. Maslog, Editor). Manila: Philippine Association of Communication Educators and New Day Publishers