COMM 355


COURSE TITLE: Communication and Global Security

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Global security communication theories and practices; SDG16; communication models; global security communication products; approaches to theorizing in global security communication.


COURSE GOAL: TO provide the student an appropriate environment and opportunity to achieve a deeper and broader understanding of communication and global security.

Upon completion of the program, the student is expected to:

  • Articulate the theories from the communication science and their impact on the conduct of effective global security activities.
  • Do critical analysis of communication problems and situations in relation to relevant global security.
  • Articulate the role and functions of specific communication science principles and theories in the practice of effective global security.


  • Unit I. Global Security: The State of Play
    • Module 1. Rule of Law and Peace and Security
    • Module 2. United Nations
    • Module 3. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Unit II. The Communication Factor in Global Systems
    • Module 4. Communication in the Context of International Security
    • Module 5. Intelligence and Communication
    • Module 6. Foreign and Security Policy
  • Unit III. Strategic Communication
    • Module 7. Information Operations (Info Ops)
    • Module 8. Psychological Operations (PsyOps)
    • Module 9. Systems, Control and Communications
  • Unit IV. Global Media as Socio-Economic-Political Weapons
    • Module 10. History of International Communication Studies
    • Module 11. The Persuasion Paradigm
    • Module 12. The Globalization of Communication
  • Unit V. Communication as Terrorism
    • Module 13. The Phenomenon
    • Module 14. The Strategic Use of Communication
    • Module 15. Counterstrategies
  • Unit VI. Case Studies
    • Module 16. Hezbollah Communication
    • Module 17. Taliban Communication
    • Module 18. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Communication